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NVeloWeb is slowly evolving

Project members just don't have enough time to work on this project fulltime. If you feel enough volunteerism, don't hesitate, write to us!

NVeloWeb News
Version 0.01
Version 0.01 is not yet released

What is NVeloWeb?

The purpose of this project is to provide NVeloWeb, which is an and based extension to the existing (N)Velocity framework enabling to build easy to maintaince template based websites with light extensible components. OS platforms are any by .net supported, DB platforms are any by .net supported (initially maybe sql server/msde specific, but the db part is an extensible component too). It builds on the appropiate current NVelocity/Velocity version. Parts of it are the page editor, the page engine itself based on streaming ashx technology, and the customization points to enable complex constructs in the page instead of raw row exporting. It contains a full fledged winform editor too.

(If you are courious about what is NVelocity: NVelocity is a .Net-based template engine. It permits anyone to use the simple yet powerful template language to reference objects defined in .Net code.)